Friday 13 July 2012

Change Your Handwriting….Change Yourself

Will bringing about a change in your handwriting bring about changes in the person that you are?

Well, that question may be answered by having a writing analysis done. An expert who analyses handwriting is known as a Graphologist.  He/She studies the shapes, forms, spacing and lettering of handwriting, works out the interaction amongst them and then makes a psychological assessment of the writer.
In life we often face challenges and setbacks or miss out on opportunities to better ourselves academically, professionally and personally due to some shortcomings in our nature. Let’s face it, no body on this planet is an absolute perfect a personality, everyone has a few flaws and strengths; it is possible to lessen the impact of these flaws in our daily lives and uplift the strengths in our character. Making changes to our nature is not a very easy job because we are so set into the way we live, emote, react and interact and doing something new is feels very alien and uncomfortable especially when we do not have any guidance. Let’s mention here that even identifying and understanding the strong and the weak points in ourselves is an uphill task as well.
Well, writing analysis is just what is called for;it reflects your inner self like a mirror reflects your physical self and it is non-invasive and non-judgmental too! The Graphologist is able to explain your inner self and the working of your mind to you by studying samples of your handwriting. A Graphologist is able to do this because it has been proven by hundreds of years of study and analysis that a person’s handwriting is actually a projection of that person’s core personality which is controlled by the inner depths of his or her consciousness.
Now let’s come to the next point, of the impact of a change in handwriting in your personality. We have mentioned earlier that our mode of writing is influenced by our minds. The interesting part is that the reverse also holds true to a certain extent and that is we are able to influence our minds through our handwriting.  Let’s explain further, making a change in your handwriting is not something that happens overnight, also your Graphologist after a writing analysiswill never advise you to make a lot of drastic changes to your handwriting. What is actually done are small modifications, made through regular and dedicated practice over a period of time.
Now, when you are regularly practicing the change in your handwriting, you are actually reiterating the changes that you want to bring about within yourself and you are actually visualizing those changes through your handwriting. Over a period of time, through such regular and conscious practice, your brain actually gets used to and accepts the change that you aspire for, and you notice that you have been successful in your efforts.
So please do get your writing analysis done and discover the path to an enriched life through a change in your handwriting.

Monday 9 July 2012

Know You Child Insights through Child Handwriting Therapy

It is not very easy to help kids going through emotionally troubled patches in their lives. How can child handwriting therapy get insights of what’s happening in child behaviour.
For adults involved in taking care of the well-being of such disturbed children, it can prove to be a very frustrating and discouraging experience that despite doing one’s level best to be a source of love, support and encouragement, the child is not making any positive progress. The answer to this lies in the fact that children do not have the same powers of first of understanding and then articulating their feelings and experiences, and they tend to express their lack of emotional perception through various behavioral aberrations.
Child handwriting therapy is an excellent method of getting an insight into the issues that are troubling a young mind and then work towards alleviating the cause of disturbance. Handwriting therapy is formally known as Graphotherapy. Graphotherapy refers to the science of reviewing a handwriting sample and making assessments about the personality of the writer and then guiding the writer to making positive modifications in his or her personality through slight modifications to the style of writing or working on various patterns and motifs repeatedly. In other words, Graphotherapy helps to rework a child’s personality through specific repetitive, small micro-movements of the fingers, which in turn affects the neural pathways inside the brain.
Child handwriting therapy has been proven to help kids. In fact, in most cases it has been found that kids actually experience a sense of relief and engagement when a Graphotherapist is able to deduct an issue from the child’s handwriting samples and bring it up in a sympathetic manner for discussion.
For parents and teachers too, this form of therapy is a boon because it helps to understand their children or students, even where they do not express themselves openly and verbally. Many a times, child handwriting therapy has successfully identify worrisome trends in the kids’ personalities and then been able to help kids and their parents to work together to overcome these negativities which might have hampered their well-being and adult lives.
On the positive side, child handwriting therapy helps kids identify the strengths in their personalities and also their aptitudes thereby enabling kids to identify professions and fields in which they may be successful when they grow up. This helps the kids and their parents to identify suitable academic courses to take up, so that the kids are professionally successful and personally fulfilled as adults.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Graphology and Graphotherapy – Helping You Build Stronger Bonds

There are so many books in the market and a plethora of blogs and websites advising you on how to improve your interpersonal skills. Let us keep in mind that a strong, positive relationship has its foundation on the harmony of the natures of all those who constitute it.

 If you go through them, you will find that most of the advice given is situational in nature, very few of these guides actually delve deep into serious personality analysis and help one to understand one’s own self before making an attempt at trying to understand and influence others. Let us keep in mind that a strong, positive relationship has its foundation on the harmony of the natures of all those who constitute it.
Graphology is a high-powered facilitator which helps in carrying out a personality analysis in a confidential and non-intrusive manner. A graphologist is able to make objective inferences as to the traits and motivations that make up the personality of an individual by studying the nuances of his or her handwriting.  It will help you to identify those aspects of your character which act as barriers in your relationships with others. Graphology would be able to highlight the opportunities for improvement within you without being judgemental.
Here, you would be advised to please follow up a Graphology analysis with sessions of Graphotherapy. This will help to strengthen the key personality traits such as empathy, ability to relate to others and a sense of belonging which are important to improve interpersonal skills.
Graphotherapy is an emerging science which is fast gaining a lot of credentials. Graphotherapy seeks to make positive changes to the human mind by bringing about some conscious changes in a person’s handwriting.
It is a common misconception that we have when we are struggling to balance a relationship that the other person is always wrong and that we are always right; which creates the vicious circle of misunderstanding that more often than not, destroys relationships which had the potential to uplift both the partners. Graphology helps to understand our own shortcomings by the means of a personality analysis as reflected by the handwriting. Graphotherapy helps us to calm our minds, understand ourselves better and then consciously enhance ourselves. When we become better persons, we become more giving, more considerate, more supportive, more encouraging and then gradually we perceive that there is an elevation in the manner with which people respond to and accept us. This is the point at which you will know that you have been successful in your efforts to improve your interpersonal skills.
It is now understood that social and emotional intelligence is the single most important factor of success in all aspects of life be it personal or professional. Therefore, we would advise you to do take the support of Graphology and Graphotherapy to understand yourself and others through personality analysis so that you may improve your interpersonal skills.

Personality Analysis through Graphology: Discovering Yourself, Strengthening Your Relationships

Personality Analysis is something that everyone does regularly. Sometimes it takes the form of self-introspection and at other times it is a character dissection of a third person!  For those in some kind of a relationship; the natural progression from this line of thought or discussion is a partner’s compatibility analysis.  
We are continuously trying to understand ourselves, our partners and our relationships by using our experiences and our projections. Come to think of it, wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if we could have an objective and unbiased assessment of ourselves or our partners in order to be better persons and better partners in a fulfilling relationship?
Maybe you should consider undergoing a session of Graphology. What Graphology has to do with personality analysis, you might as well ask. Well, graphology is the technique of understanding a person’s nature and motivations through a study of handwriting samples. Graphology is based on the premise that the way a person writes on paper reflects the inner workings of the writer’s mind and there is ample scientific evidence to back this up. The best part is that the person whose handwriting is being analyzed by a graphologist does not have to be physically present for the exercise to be carried out.
These days graphology is a very popular tool worldwide for partner’s compatibility analysis as more and more people understand the importance of stable and strong personal relationships in times where insecurities abound in all other spheres. Not only that, there is also a growing trend towards taking steps for self-improvement and personality development, once again an area where graphology is of great use.
For any kind of graphology analysis-be it personal or partner’s compatibility to be effective in real life, there has to be follow-up steps to be taken to strengthen the positive sides and to weaken or eliminate the negative sides of the person’s nature as discovered. This is best done through graphotherapy.
So, the next question that automatically comes up, “What is this graphotherapy?”
Graphotherapy is a life-transformational enabler which is an extension of graphology. It enables a person to make changes in her personality either by making certain modifications in her style of writing or through the regular practice of certain repetitive patterns. Graphotherapy exercises need to be done regularly for a number of days, till the change both in terms of handwriting as well as behaviour actually become effective. 
The actual purpose of seeking personality test or a partner’s compatibility analysis is served only when we not only understand ourselves better or our partner’s better but also where we consciously work towards improving our own nature and habits so that we make our relationships better, stronger and more enriching.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Graphotheraphy – Making Yourself Better and Brighter

Has it ever occurred to you the possibilities that lie in the interpretation of handwriting?  That how you write is actually the hidden reflection of your subconscious mind?  Does it sound intriguing to you that there are people out there with the ability to read your personality just by analyzing your handwriting? Well, such persons are known as Graphologists and they do exist. 

By definition, Graphology means the analysis of person’s characteristics through the interpretation of handwriting.  To actually reap the benefits of graphology, it needs to be followed up by sessions of Graphotheraphy.” What’s that?” you may ask. Well, Graphotheraphy refers to the guidance which is provided towards making changes in your handwriting so that you are able to subside or eliminate your weaknesses and shortcomings and at the same time strengthen the positive aspects of your character and make them flourish. 

This is not some new fangled theory that we are talking about here, but facts which have been proven with years of study and analysis. Interpretation of handwriting and Graphotheraphy today, actually command as much respect as the regular sciences.  It has been established that those muscles and neurons within the human body which control the writing movement are directly connected to the central nervous system and so the myriad manifestations of the human moods and nature flow out in the written form. 

When people undergo an interpretation of handwriting, there is an overt tendency to be focus on the negative traits which may be revealed. Most of us are so used to finding fault with and blaming ourselves for everything that goes wrong or is wrong in our lives that we forget that each one of us has unique gifts, talents and strengths of character within us. We tend to underplay our positives and highlight the negatives and lose sleep over them. This is where, Graphotheraphy helps.  A good graphotherapist apart from counseling you will guide you through a series of regular writing exercises where she will help you to make conscious changes in your letter formation, spacing and drawing of strokes as you write. As you undergo these exercises, and concentrate on your writing, you will actually be sending out messages to your subconscious mind making changes to your personality and improving yourself and making a huge difference to your life. 

In order to actually heal and help yourself, you need to consult someone who not only has a good reputation but has years of study and experience behind her. Someone you can trust with the secrets of your life that will be revealed during the interpretation of your handwriting. You will need someone who is non-judgmental and empathetic; someone who truly wishes to help you and not just make money. Ask questions; take references; read up as much as you can before you actually undergo sessions of Graphotheraphy and make your life beautiful and successful forever.