Saturday 7 April 2012

Can Handwriting Analysis Help Us in the Many Walks of Life?

Did you know that a person’s handwriting, irrespective of his learning, educational qualifications, all acquired knowledge and the manner in which he has been taught to write -- does actually arise from his unique personality, which is a part of his subconscious? Studying the handwriting of a person is an unusual and unique art. It is also a sound and reliable mode of assessing and evaluating a person’s distinct character, personality or behaviour.

Graphology is the study of the various features of handwriting, and graphology analysis is now increasingly becoming popular as a clever device to judge a person’s character or what is commonly termed as the person’s inherent nature.

The origin and history of graphology analysis

Graphology is said to follow its origin from China, about 2500—3000 years ago. The Romans too used the tool of handwriting study to evaluate a person’s character traits.
Graphology analysis is an age-old system of practice and experts over a period of time have studied and mastered the techniques of interpretation of personality analysis.

Areas where personality analysis helps

• For various organizational processes: Companies wishing to recruit persons with specific traits or capabilities can use this tool of personality analysis to screen the interviewee or applicant by various means of selection procedures.

• For assessing marital compatibility: Single men and women looking for successful and happiness in their proposed marriages can always use the handwriting check to figure out the compatibility pattern.

• To harmonize and align a team: A successful team is not one that wins or loses, but is that which works in unison with mutual respect and understanding for one another. Be it a team of sportspersons, a school or college dance competition, a musical orchestra, or a team of corporate managers, each participant needs to understand the other person’s capabilities and drawbacks for a better functioning.

• For good parenting: It is said that good breeding shows by good parental care one has had in early life. As a concerned parent if you know your child’s unique temperament and behaviour you can do much in moulding her or him into a well-rounded, clear thinking, balanced person. A confident, happy child is a joy for all to behold. Using smart Children handwriting analysis and personality analysis traits on one’s own child can do wonders for both the parent and the child.

• In forensic documentation: The services of a good handwriting analyst are much helpful in the areas of crime and judicial procedures for forensic evidence building. This is especially true in case of economic offences and their judicial screenings.

Modern Studies

Abbe Michon, a French priest who studied graphology for more than three decades, established a new approach to graphological analysis in 1870’s. Features of this interesting science have evolved much since then and many new trends are still being discovered in this growing area of study.

There are some 300-odd features of handwriting analysis, which are studied in various combinations in studying the character traits of a person.

Some interesting features of handwriting analysis

• Slants: A slant towards right indicates your response to others whether you are friendly or shy, straightforward in your dealings or prone to hiding facts, whether your response is loving and supportive or you are plain selfish or unresponsive. The left slant shows the reserved and emotional side of a person.

• Size: Usually the size of letters below 3mm is considered to be small and above that large. The larger sized handwriting people are usually extroverted, whereas a person with smaller handwriting is more likely to be an introvert or a thinker.

• Pressure: People giving heavy pressure usually value their time and take things seriously, though the application of too much pressure in writing can mean that the person is too quick to react, even prone to giving in to anger without listening first.

• Line spacing: Samples of handwritings are best analyzed on unlined paper. Wide spaced lines in handwriting indicate that the person simply likes to stand back and observe things, without getting actively involved. Those who do not leave much space between their writings, usually like to be involved. For them ‘life is where action is’ stands true.

Understanding people through signature and handwriting analysis helps people in understanding one another, become more tolerant to each other, and live and work peacefully together. A peaceful, harmonious society is a happy society.

For more information on Graphology Analysis, Handwriting Analysis, Signature Analysis and Personality Analysis visit at Handwriting Analyst

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