Tuesday 1 May 2012

Children’s Handwriting Analysis – A Helping Hand for Troubled Children

Eight year old Shreya was always a happy, active and intelligent child. She got on well with her family and friends. Her teachers at school always had a good word to say about her. About a year ago, there was a marked change in Shreya’s behavior. She began to have trouble concentrating in school and she became very quiet and withdrawn.  Her parents were at their wits end trying to understand the reason for this marked change in their precious daughter. They took her to a child counselor but Shreya refused to co-operate. It was then that a family friend advised Shreya’s mother to consult an expert in children’s handwriting analysis.
Shreya’s mother showed the graphologist samples of Shreya’s handwriting collected over a period of time. She also showed her own handwriting along with those of Shreya’s father. The Graphologist on analyzing the handwriting was able to correctly identify the cause for the change in Shreya’s behavior. According to her, Shreya was extremely disturbed by the activities of one of the bigger (in size) girls in her class who had taken to picking on Shreya at every possible opportunity. She even threatened Shreya’s friends into avoiding the poor child. This bully taunted Shreya and hit her frequently. Shreya was too cowed down by this girl to speak to any grown up about these incidents because she feared further bullying in retaliation and so she withdrew into a shell of fear and insecurity.
Through several Graphotherapy sessions, the Graphologist was able to help Shreya shed her insecurities and get her old self back. The Graphotherapy  sessions involved handwriting therapy not only for little Shreya but for her parents as well through which the parents were guided towards making some changes in their handwriting so as to improve their compatibility as a couple, in order to provide an atmosphere of security at home for Shreya. Shreya’s parents visited Shreya’s school and had an objective and healthy discussion with the school authorities regarding the bullying experienced by Shreya which incidentally in turn helped the girl who was doing the bullying get some counseling support as well.
This fortunately is a story that had a happy ending, but there are so many little children like Shreya who are troubled and disturbed but unable to express themselves. Children do not have the same skills to understand and clearly express their inner turmoil in words. They use various non-verbal means to express their disturbed state of mind which are hard to understand. This is where children’s handwriting analysis can step in and be of help. As may be deducted from the term itself, children's handwriting analysis is the study of a child’s handwriting to understand her inner personality and to identify disturbances if any. The activity does not end at mere analysis; it is followed by in-depth discussions with the parents or guardians and also interactive sessions with the child concerned. This is then followed by the commencement of handwriting therapy sessions, where the child’s handwriting is modified through empathetic guidance from the graphologist. As has been seen from Shreya’s case, the child’s parents may also need to undergo handwriting therapy to bring about positive changes for the child’s well-being and development.
The need of the hour is to spread the knowledge about how helpful children’s handwriting analysis is, and how beneficial it is when coupled with handwriting therapy by an experienced graphologist, so that many more troubled children may regain the peace and innocence of childhood.

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